Meditation is the workout of our mind and Consciousness.I have been meditating for quite sometime.
I watched many videos regarding meditation tutorials and practiced them.I observed that i am changing.
Here are some changes that i observed in myself:-
1. Increase in observation power
"My body was restless and so did mind. I used to get trapped in Thoughts".
But Now (after Meditating for few weeks) ,There is a curious part of me have awakened which wants to know things around myself and wanna observe this Wonderful Nature.
I have become less selfish person. I am observing the way i think,Do things,Sit,Make assumptions etc etc
2.More Control over anger
"I have found my greatest enemy. He isn't outside me but to the contrary it is a part of me (Anger) but it isn't me."
Anger is a feeling and Feeling changes as they are temporary But i am Permanent Then I am not Anger but sometimes i get angry but that's natural, It is the way I am.
I get angry; I observe my anger and then it vanishes. Arigatou Goziamasu (Thank you so much) Meditation!
3. I am loving myself (self-love).
I have observed that i am becoming a more self-loving and self-caring person.Now,I am taking decisions not on the basis of how i would feel ,I have started taking decisions on the basis of what is right or wrong for me.
"I used to dislike exercise,acupressure etc etc but Now they are the part of my life and i live them."
4. Solitude.
I was kinda person who couldn't sit in a place quietly even for only 5 minutes without any external material.I used to got bored when i lived alone.
"But now wherever i go,i found loneliness is just an illusion Because wherever i go,How can i be alone? If i am with myself."
5.A Sound.
"Whenever i focus on my breath, My mind becomes Peaceful and then I listen a very high pitched sound. I dunno its source,But i can say for sure; I wasn't unfamiliar with this sound not only for a second ever since I was born."
It is always behind me .It never disappears. I dunno how to explain this but wherever i go, I finds it Always behind me."This sound Don't have any emotion or feeling but one thing is for sure It is more than just a sound or Is it really a sound? Who knows?"
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